Stay away from FATABLERT-CLOCK, he wants to father a Fuzzy HEEEEEEY HEY HEYvel Clock, if you know what I mean. (wink wink)
Stay away from FATABLERT-CLOCK, he wants to father a Fuzzy HEEEEEEY HEY HEYvel Clock, if you know what I mean. (wink wink)
Lyrics: thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud
bohemian rhapsody's sucessor
Oh God why
I don't know why
Are you a Mex-ee-copper, or a Mex-i-ron?
I think Iron is a Mexiron.
Creationism is real. Everything was made just for me to see this.
Deeeeehm, son. That got pretty good near the end. Keep making Flashes, you'll get super good if you just make them all the time (and I don't mean only when you have a great idea for one)
Good afternoon, dad (or i don't know, English is weird)! Thank you from your comment, i really like to read comments like this (and the hateful ones too, of course!). Ah, thank you so much~ You don't even believe how much that motivates me!
My life story.
This is the greatest and best video movie show I've ever seen. Keep up the good work, y'all swill merchants.
wait, WAIT. Sap is practically pure sugar. Wouldn't an insulin pump SAVE HIS LIFE? Or maybe sticks need sugar.. man, this animation's deep.
The Phantom Cat can, doot doodoodoodoot doot.
Doodoo Head
Little Clocktopia, Cali
Joined on 7/3/12