It just occurred to me that the people who don't do -shit- but have 100-1000 fans always have a new journal every few days. I do nominal amounts of shit but I would also like to cash in on this tl;dr fanbase because I am not an artist, I am a horrible person.
I do not have anything to say at all, much less three times a week, but that doesn't seem to stop anybody else. Hmm. Oh, shit yo. It was like four clocks' birthdays this week. That was pretty neat. Neat. Fairly neatish. Flounder's went coolio, manya flounderflash.
Oh hey, there's a freeze warning tonight. I think that means I should leave the faucets on a little bit. I don't know, it only gets that cold a few days out of the year. I know people in Michigan/Illinois. I bet they walk around in weather like this butt-naked complaining about how hot it is. Man, I know a couple of Australians, too (lolinternet), it's summer over there.
So yeah it was raining and I didn't want to go outside ("because it was raining") so I discovered that this stationary bike we have can hold an iPod and play songs over a build-in speaker. More importantly, I learned that my Kindle fits in that iPod holder and I can exercise in silence while reading. EXERCISE AND READ AT THE SAME TIME. Haha, hoo, I can tell people that and they'll just think I'm that productive all the time. They have no idea.
What else, what else... I just ate a Hershey's bar. Hershey bar? Hershey Bar? I just ate a candybar... candy bar? Fuck, journals are hard, I quit.
yeah, all those crapheads that JUST GOTTA say something end up screwing the people who ACTUALLY HAVE something to say. "lololololpizzatimeyumyumyum" or there's users who are just kinda bitches about posting random shit.
News is meant for on what you're workin on, an update or anything. it's not really supposed to be for grumbling and complaining and whining and babbling and whatever else. get a blog.
not saying you fit this bill, but you have some good points and i wanted to comment. happy flash flood day/week/month/year/decade/century/millenium/
I don't fit this bill YET. Give me a month or two.